Monday, February 25, 2013

Magic Fiddle violin app

One new app for ipad is Magic Fiddle. This is a very interesting concept. To learn more about the details, click here to view an article. You can only see what it's like by viewing the video below.

As you can tell, it doesn't sound like a real violin, but an electronic violin. I realize that this could seem fun to some people, and just to try it for technology advancement sake, is interesting to me. Although, I can't see playing any fast songs using this app. The two are not always together and not every note is accurately in tune. Playing with others in a group would be very difficult.

If you'd like to learn the violin, I would suggest spending time learning the real violin and not on this app. You'll have a better sound, more control of the sound, play using techniques that give the violin variety and uniqueness, can play in a group, and play accurate notes. 

I think this app is a fun idea to draw more people into music and playing instruments. 

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